Pastors Matthew and Kandle Emerson
Matthew has been on staff at North Central Church since 2016, starting off as the interim Kids Pastor and then NC Youth Pastor. Throughout his life, Matthew has served in many capacities and has a heart for ministry and missions. Kandle grew up in East Africa as a Missionary's Kid where she met Matthew, and were married in 2018. She also has served in many areas of ministry and brought her wisdom and enthusiasm for Christ to NC Youth. Their family continues to grow with son, Jude and the most recent addition, Blythe! Matthew and Kandle’s desire for NC is to be a place where everyone belongs…where each week they get to introduce students to who Jesus is, while living life with them, always striving to be more like HIM.

Fun Facts
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Favorite Quote?
I did not climb my way to the top of the food chain to eat salad!
Football or Baseball?
Houston Astros, Houston Rockets, Houston Texans. (Any team that is not the Cowboys)
Favorite Vacation?
His first trip to East Africa where Kandle finally decided to give him a chance!