Thank you for your interest in becoming a Connect Group Leader
Our North Central Church family is growing, and with that means we need more leaders for our Connect Groups.
God has a part for all of us in the church and Connect Group Leaders come alongside the pastors and staff of North Central Church to help care for people.
God has a part for all of us in the church and Connect Group Leaders come alongside the pastors and staff of North Central Church to help care for people.

Now these are the gifts Christ gave to the church: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers. Their responsibility is to equip God’s people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ. This will continue until we all come to such unity in our faith and knowledge of God’s Son that we will be mature in the Lord, measuring up to the full and complete standard of Christ.
The primary role of a Connect Group Leader is to help group members move one step in their walk with God. People in each group will be at different places in their spiritual lives and every person will have different next steps to take.
Connect Group Leaders will also stay in contact with group members outside of the monthly meetings through phone, email, text, social media, or face-to-face and offer encouragement and prayer support.
As a Connect Group Leader, you are never alone in creating community. The North Central Church pastors, staff, and the Connect Groups Team Leader, are all working alongside you.
Connect Group Leaders will also stay in contact with group members outside of the monthly meetings through phone, email, text, social media, or face-to-face and offer encouragement and prayer support.
As a Connect Group Leader, you are never alone in creating community. The North Central Church pastors, staff, and the Connect Groups Team Leader, are all working alongside you.
Thank you for your interest in becoming a Connect Group Leader
Our North Central Church family is growing, and with that means we need more leaders for our Connect Groups.
God has a part for all of us in the church and Connect Group Leaders come alongside the pastors and staff of North Central Church to help care for people.
God has a part for all of us in the church and Connect Group Leaders come alongside the pastors and staff of North Central Church to help care for people.

Now these are the gifts Christ gave to the church: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers. Their responsibility is to equip God’s people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ. This will continue until we all come to such unity in our faith and knowledge of God’s Son that we will be mature in the Lord, measuring up to the full and complete standard of Christ.
The primary role of a Connect Group Leader is to help group members move one step in their walk with God. People in each group will be at different places in their spiritual lives and every person will have different next steps to take.
Connect Group Leaders will also stay in contact with group members outside of the monthly meetings through phone, email, text, social media, or face-to-face and offer encouragement and prayer support.
As a Connect Group Leader, you are never alone in creating community. The North Central Church pastors, staff, and the Connect Groups Team Leader, are all working alongside you.
Connect Group Leaders will also stay in contact with group members outside of the monthly meetings through phone, email, text, social media, or face-to-face and offer encouragement and prayer support.
As a Connect Group Leader, you are never alone in creating community. The North Central Church pastors, staff, and the Connect Groups Team Leader, are all working alongside you.

Frequently Asked
It can be intimidating to take on the leadership of a group, but you can be assured that every Connect Group leader has the same doubts, concerns, and questions you do. Here are a few answers to questions you may have as you consider becoming a Connect Group leader.
How much Bible knowledge do I need to have?
This is a natural question to ask as you begin to consider leading a Connect Group. It’s also the number one question that keeps many people from taking on a leadership role. The simple answer is: just be one step ahead of the members of the group. You obviously want to always grow in your Biblical knowledge, but leading a Connect Group doesn't require a seminary degree. If you decide to become a leader, there will be training well before we announce our Connect Groups to the church family. Just follow your leader training, and know where the study is taking the group before the meeting. That will help you feel confident as you facilitate the Bible study.
How much training do I need before I start?
There is basic group leading knowledge that you will want to know before you start leading a group, and information that you will obtain as you lead the group. We will provide training classes to help you build a solid foundation before the Connect Groups start.
How often will Connect Groups meet?
Connect Groups will meet once a month in Host Homes throughout the year. You and the Host Home will discuss what day and time will work best with each of your schedules.
Will study materials be provided?
Yes, we will provide the study guide for your Connect Group. All we ask is that you take the time to read over the lesson and spend time in prayer before your Connect Group.
Frequently Asked
It can be intimidating to take on the leadership of a group, but you can be assured that every Connect Group leader has the same doubts, concerns, and questions you do. Here are a few answers to questions you may have as you consider becoming a Connect Group leader.
How much Bible knowledge do I need to have?
This is a natural question to ask as you begin to consider leading a Connect Group. It’s also the number one question that keeps many people from taking on a leadership role. The simple answer is: just be one step ahead of the members of the group. You obviously want to always grow in your Biblical knowledge, but leading a Connect Group doesn't require a seminary degree. If you decide to become a leader, there will be training well before we announce our Connect Groups to the church family. Just follow your leader training, and know where the study is taking the group before the meeting. That will help you feel confident as you facilitate the Bible study.
How much training do I need before I start?
There is basic group leading knowledge that you will want to know before you start leading a group, and information that you will obtain as you lead the group. We will provide training classes to help you build a solid foundation before the Connect Groups start.
How often will Connect Groups meet?
Connect Groups will meet once a month in Host Homes throughout the year. You and the Host Home will discuss what day and time will work best with each of your schedules.
Will study materials be provided?
Yes, we will provide the study guide for your Connect Group. All we ask is that you take the time to read over the lesson and spend time in prayer before your Connect Group.
We know you have more questions, and we are happy to answer them. Please don't hesitate to contact us.
If you have any questions and are interested in becoming a Connect Group Leader, please fill out the form.
We know you have more questions, and we are happy to answer them. Please don't hesitate to contact us.
If you have any questions and are interested in becoming a Connect Group Leader, please fill out the form.