Kingdom Journey: Philemon

Oct 22, 2023    Larry Emerson

Philemon, a letter written by the apostle Paul, is a beautiful illustration of the power of forgiveness. The book tells the story of a runaway slave named Onesimus who, after encountering Paul, became a believer in Christ. Paul encourages Onesimus to return to his master Philemon, urging him to forgive the slave for any wrong he may have committed. The book teaches us that forgiveness is not just a one-time act but a continual choice to release hurt and anger. Through his example, Paul shows us that no one is too far gone to be forgiven and restored and that true healing comes through the power of Christ. As Christians, we are called to regularly extend forgiveness to others, just as God forgives us. The message of Philemon is timeless and continues to resonate with believers today.

#forgiveness #philemon #jesus